CREATING ~ Connecting ~ Communicating ~ Collaborating

Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) aka SallyC
Real Life (Physical) and Virtual World Consultant and Instructor
Medical laboratory Scientist | 3D Immersive Virtual Worlds Builder | STI Laboratory Consultant
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
As an ASCP-certified medical laboratory professional, Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) has been integrating 3D virtual worlds technology into her medical laboratory science activities since 2008. She has always been fascinated by science and technology due to the unlimited potential for exploration and learning. Through the advances of science and technology, she examines amazing microbial worlds using Brightfield and Darkfield microscopy; explores 3D immersive virtual worlds sector of the Metaverse; creates 3D virtual worlds content and projects; and fosters collaborative networks within her real life and 3D virtual worlds communities. As a real life (physical) medical laboratory scientist since 1975, she welcomes the opportunity to integrate real life activities into 3D immersive virtual worlds. Hence, her vision... "Real To Virtual; Virtual To Real" which embodies collaborative sharing of information, creations, connections, and resources within real life (physical), web-based, and 3D immersive virtual world communities. As the Chief Silo Buster for her information exchanges entitled "CHARE Project" and "CHeTARE Project", Sally S. Cherry creates, connects, communicates, and collaborates within her Cherry Network community... real life (physical) and 3D immersive virtual worlds.
Websites & Links
Experiencing Cherry Network | Real To Virtual; Virtual To Real | Virtual Network Weaver's Worlds
Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project | Community Health Technology Awareness Resource Exchange (CHeTARE) Project
Chief Silo Buster
Avatar Consultants & Instructors:
Sally Cherry (Kitely)
SarVana Haalan (Second Life)
Sarvana Cherry (OpenSimulator)
Online Communities & Networks:
Nonprofit Commons in Second Life
Kitely Community
Linkedin Network
Content Text, Images, and Graphics Copyright © 2011, 2020, 2023 Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP).
All third-party content (text, photos, graphics, etc) is protected under the copyright and/or trademark of its respective owner(s).
Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) does not claim ownership of the featured websites, and is not responsible for websites' content unless otherwise stated.
The inclusion of a website and/or product does not imply endorsement from the original author, organization, or company unless otherwise stated.
The content of this website is provided for informational purposes, and is Not meant to substitute for formal laboratory training; or to grant lab testing performance proficiency. Any laboratory testing and performance proficiency should be governed by the required local, state, and federal regulations.
All third-party content (text, photos, graphics, etc) is protected under the copyright and/or trademark of its respective owner(s).
Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) does not claim ownership of the featured websites, and is not responsible for websites' content unless otherwise stated.
The inclusion of a website and/or product does not imply endorsement from the original author, organization, or company unless otherwise stated.
The content of this website is provided for informational purposes, and is Not meant to substitute for formal laboratory training; or to grant lab testing performance proficiency. Any laboratory testing and performance proficiency should be governed by the required local, state, and federal regulations.
Affiliate Disclosure: This website includes third-party links for resources, and services that I have used, currently use, or desire to use.
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As an Amazon Influencer and Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you, Sally S. Cherry.