"Virtual to Real" - Avatar Networking
Through the various social networking activities, Cherry Consulting Network provides real and virtual linkage to special interest information, tools, and resources such as books, articles, seminars, workshops, and conferences. As real life networking is essential for real life business, networking is a core element of our vision to foster "virtual to real" networking partnerships. This vision fuels our in-world participation via avatars in TechSoup's Nonprofit Commons in Second Life (NPSL), Kitely Mentors Group, virtual world forums, and in-world groups.
Several networking partnerships ("friends") were established primarily through the in-world activities and interactions of the avatars, SarVana Haalan (SL), Sarvana Cherry (OpenSim), and most recently Sally Cherry (Kitely). It should be noted that each virtual-based "networking partner" (friend) represents a real life individual that we may or may not meet in a face to face encounter. Our "Virtual to Real" networking partners include those individuals who have elected to continue networking in real life via social media or face-to-face connections. The networking vision of Cherry Consulting Network is the emergence of real life, global networking partnerships fostered through "avatar networking" within virtual world communities.
Several networking partnerships ("friends") were established primarily through the in-world activities and interactions of the avatars, SarVana Haalan (SL), Sarvana Cherry (OpenSim), and most recently Sally Cherry (Kitely). It should be noted that each virtual-based "networking partner" (friend) represents a real life individual that we may or may not meet in a face to face encounter. Our "Virtual to Real" networking partners include those individuals who have elected to continue networking in real life via social media or face-to-face connections. The networking vision of Cherry Consulting Network is the emergence of real life, global networking partnerships fostered through "avatar networking" within virtual world communities.
"Real To Virtual; Virtual To Real" (Real2Virtual2Real)
After three (3) years of in-world "avatar networking", Zinnia (Renne Emiko Brock-Richmond), Coughran (Dick Dillon), and SarVana (Sally Cherry) engaged in "real life" networking at the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds (FCVW) 2012 Conference.