The Amazing World of Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) aka "Cherry Network"
You are invited to explore the amazing, digital world of Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP). Here, you will find a diverse network of special interest content, websites, social networking sites, and links officially known as "Cherry Network". Since 1975, Sally S. Cherry, an ASCP-certified medical laboratory scientist has pursued various interest-oriented work assignments and independent projects in laboratory science, public health, HIV/AIDS awareness, technology, and e-commerce. The ultimate goal is to use the 45+ years of acquired public health experience (clinical, administrative, training, and outreach); social media knowledge; community service; and professional network for sustainable community initiatives and capacity building projects. Opportunities to work with organizations, agencies, and/or programs with mutual interests are always welcomed. Ms. Cherry's areas of interest include STI laboratory training, Brightfield and Darkfield microscopy, infectious diseases, sexual health, public health, AIDS awareness, HIV prevention education, HIV/AIDS and African-Americans, women's health, e-commerce, social media capacity building, Health 2.0, e-health promotion, laboratory career development, virtual world technology, blogging, content curating, and public speaking. It is hoped that Cherry Network will serve as a relevant gateway to "ever-changing" information and communication channels! Much success in your endeavors, Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) “Vision without action is just a dream, action without vision just passes the time, vision with action can change the world.”
(Quote by Nelson Mandela) |