CHeTARE Project
Community Health Technology Awareness Resource Exchange Project

In 2010 when I closed the door as project manager for a Baltimore-based HIV/AIDS service organization, I was inspired to establish Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project which lead to concept of Community Health Technology Awareness Resource Exchange (CHeTARE) Project.
In 2012, Community Health Technology Awareness Resource Exchange (CHeTARE)Project was launched as a companion program for the Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project. While the motivation was very much the same, the focus of CHARE Project and CHeTARE Project are different. The focus of CHARE Project is the use of social media and 3D virtual world platforms to enhance access and delivery of information and resources pertaining to HIV prevention, AIDS awareness, HIV/AIDS stigma, HIV testing and related health disparities. The focus of CHeTARE Project is providing technical assistance and training to increase basic understanding, usability and application of relevant social media and 3D virtual world platforms within public and community health on local, national, and international levels
In 2012, Community Health Technology Awareness Resource Exchange (CHeTARE)Project was launched as a companion program for the Community HIV/AIDS Resource Exchange (CHARE) Project. While the motivation was very much the same, the focus of CHARE Project and CHeTARE Project are different. The focus of CHARE Project is the use of social media and 3D virtual world platforms to enhance access and delivery of information and resources pertaining to HIV prevention, AIDS awareness, HIV/AIDS stigma, HIV testing and related health disparities. The focus of CHeTARE Project is providing technical assistance and training to increase basic understanding, usability and application of relevant social media and 3D virtual world platforms within public and community health on local, national, and international levels
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Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) does not claim ownership of the featured websites, and is not responsible for websites' content unless otherwise stated.
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The content of this website is provided for informational purposes, and is Not meant to substitute for formal laboratory training; or to grant lab testing performance proficiency. Any laboratory testing and performance proficiency should be governed by the required local, state, and federal regulations.
All third-party content (text, photos, graphics, etc) is protected under the copyright and/or trademark of its respective owner(s).
Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP) does not claim ownership of the featured websites, and is not responsible for websites' content unless otherwise stated.
The inclusion of a website and/or product does not imply endorsement from the original author, organization, or company unless otherwise stated.
The content of this website is provided for informational purposes, and is Not meant to substitute for formal laboratory training; or to grant lab testing performance proficiency. Any laboratory testing and performance proficiency should be governed by the required local, state, and federal regulations.
Affiliate Disclosure: The third-party product or service links mean that I may receive a referral commission if you decide to purchase anything from the advertising company. Please note that I only recommend products and services that I use (or would use) myself. When you purchase through the links, it helps me to maintain this information-sharing website. - from Sally S. Cherry