ms. BugLady's Path... A Career in Laboratory Science
"Pursuing Unlimited Opportunities in The Lab"

Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP)...
Experiencing a Career Path as an ASCP-certified Medical Laboratory Scientist
While in high school, my primary career goal was to become a certified Medical Technologist. Thanks to a tenth grade biology teacher, I was introduced to the exciting world of laboratory science. "Ms. BugLady's World" evolved because this perceptive teacher encouraged students to pursue their career interests. These actions lead to my present work with middle and high school students... introducing them to various laboratory and technology careers.
Upon graduation, I attended Morgan State University located in Baltimore, Maryland. At Morgan State(MSU), I majored in Medical Technology and completed my medical technology training at Union Memorial Hospital - School of Medical Technology(UMH-MT). After a twelve-month internship, I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from MSU, and a Certificate in Medical Technology from UMH-MT.
After college, I worked in medical research at the Carnegie Institute of Washington - Department of Embryology. During this time, I took and passed the Board of Registry of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) national certification exam for medical technologists. I had accomplished my primary career goal... to become a certified Medical Technologist. I had earned the right to use the initials, "MT(ASCP)", after my name to show proficiency in medical technology. Shortly after, I accepted a medical technologist position in the Bacteriology Lab at a local hospital. Another goal had been reached... to work in medical microbiology with "the bugs".

In the early 70s, a patient's death due to a disseminated gonococcal infection propelled my interest toward the management of sexually transmitted diseases. This interest lead to graduate work in community health, and the decision to enter public health. The delivery of laboratory services in STD clinics became my professional focus. After several years as a bench medical technologist, I entered public health as the laboratory coordinator at the Baltimore City Health Department - Bureau of Disease Control under the supervision of Dr. David Glasser and Dr. John Hume.

Through the work in public health, I discovered another career opportunity... medical laboratory training. My professional goal is to help others understand how and why various laboratory procedures are performed in the identification of microorganisms commonly associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Over the years, medical laboratory training have lead to opportunities in laboratory consulting, international travel, and long-distance technology.
The laboratory consulting work lead to assignments as a national medical trainer, and an international medical consultant. The various "field" assignments enabled me to work with other medical professionals in Turkey, Kenya, Egypt, and Uganda. These assignments have been challenging and rewarding experiences.
The critical role of the medical laboratory offers unlimited career opportunities. It is true that... "Your opportunities are limited only by your imagination." In a career full of options, many choices cultivated the diverse world of "Ms. BugLady"!
Publication: Genital Tract Infection Guidelines For Family Planning Service Programs (USAID)
The laboratory consulting work lead to assignments as a national medical trainer, and an international medical consultant. The various "field" assignments enabled me to work with other medical professionals in Turkey, Kenya, Egypt, and Uganda. These assignments have been challenging and rewarding experiences.
The critical role of the medical laboratory offers unlimited career opportunities. It is true that... "Your opportunities are limited only by your imagination." In a career full of options, many choices cultivated the diverse world of "Ms. BugLady"!
Publication: Genital Tract Infection Guidelines For Family Planning Service Programs (USAID)