Virtual Projects

Virtual Lab Training and Career Center Project
"Ms. BugLady's Training Lab & Lab Career Resource Center"
Focus: Integration of Real Life Laboratory Methods Training and Lab Career Recruitment Activities
In 2010, Ms. BugLady's Training Lab and the Lab Career Resource Center was built and launched with the assistance of our Second Life R2V2R team member and 3D avatar, SarVana Haalan. The “Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Resource Center” was launched within the business complex, SarVana Business Centre in the Payens region. In 2
It took several hours (including my dancing time) to finalize the construction of two multi-level buildings. The lab furniture and equipment are still being placed in the designated work/office areas. We were able to locate several lab items with the help of several colleagues. We decided to design and create the laboratory furniture for the Microscopy Training Lab on the third floor.
Since I enjoy exploring Second Life, I am actively searching for additional lab-related resources. In addition, web-based resources and RL material are being incorporated into the virtual lab training and career presentations.
The Virtual Lab project is so exciting!
Well, it looks like you just can’t keep a laboratorian out to the lab... real or virtual! Now, we just have to find some more RL funding to expand the “Virtual Lab Training and Career Project”. Our vision is to expand the Lab Project to its own island and to increase our collaborative network.
You are invited to visit "Ms. BugLady's Training Lab" and the "Lab Career Resource Center". I always enjoy meeting new "networking partners" also known as friends. So, feel free to IM me. If you are not a SL resident, email me for an invite to join our exciting virtual community.
"Ms. BugLady's Training Lab & Lab Career Resource Center"
Focus: Integration of Real Life Laboratory Methods Training and Lab Career Recruitment Activities
In 2010, Ms. BugLady's Training Lab and the Lab Career Resource Center was built and launched with the assistance of our Second Life R2V2R team member and 3D avatar, SarVana Haalan. The “Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Resource Center” was launched within the business complex, SarVana Business Centre in the Payens region. In 2
It took several hours (including my dancing time) to finalize the construction of two multi-level buildings. The lab furniture and equipment are still being placed in the designated work/office areas. We were able to locate several lab items with the help of several colleagues. We decided to design and create the laboratory furniture for the Microscopy Training Lab on the third floor.
Since I enjoy exploring Second Life, I am actively searching for additional lab-related resources. In addition, web-based resources and RL material are being incorporated into the virtual lab training and career presentations.
The Virtual Lab project is so exciting!
Well, it looks like you just can’t keep a laboratorian out to the lab... real or virtual! Now, we just have to find some more RL funding to expand the “Virtual Lab Training and Career Project”. Our vision is to expand the Lab Project to its own island and to increase our collaborative network.
You are invited to visit "Ms. BugLady's Training Lab" and the "Lab Career Resource Center". I always enjoy meeting new "networking partners" also known as friends. So, feel free to IM me. If you are not a SL resident, email me for an invite to join our exciting virtual community.
Medical Laboratory Professionals' Week: VLTC Center for the April 25th NonProfit Commons Meeting
Abridged Transcript of Nonprofit Commons April 25th Meeting by Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP)
Abridged Transcript of Nonprofit Commons April 25th Meeting by Sally S. Cherry, MLS(ASCP)
Services available in real life and in-world:
Social Media Consulting Social Media Marketing Virtual World Training
Health Awareness Campaigns Virtual Advertising and Promotions Virtual Event Planning
Virtual Office/Space Rental And other capacity building tasks.
Social Media Consulting Social Media Marketing Virtual World Training
Health Awareness Campaigns Virtual Advertising and Promotions Virtual Event Planning
Virtual Office/Space Rental And other capacity building tasks.